S.C. X S.R.L. has as its object of activity “Manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft”, CAEN code 3030. Period audited: 01.01.2016…
Continue ReadingResults of a tax inspection of a company whose activity is “Manufacture of instruments and devices for measuring, checking, testing, control, navigation”
S.C. X S.A. has as its object of activity “Manufacture of instruments and devices for measuring, checking, testing, control, navigation”,…
Continue ReadingEmployee deregistration (ReviSal Application – version
This operation allows the deletion of an existing employee in the register of an employer(,,salariat’’) as a result of an…
Continue ReadingEmployee register (ReviSal Application – version
The Employee Register report displays the list of employees associated with the current employer(,,angajator’’). The operation can be performed by…
Continue ReadingReport per employee (ReviSal Application – version
Report by employee displays the contract history of a previously selected employee. The operation can be performed by clicking the…
Continue ReadingInspection observations of a tax inspection of a taxpayer having as its object of activity “Growing of cereals (excluding rice), leguminous plants and oilseed producing plants”
X INDIVIDUAL ENTITY engaged in “Growing of cereals (excluding rice), leguminous crops and oil seed crops”, CAEN code 0111. The…
Continue ReadingTax inspection observations on a taxpayer whose object of activity is “Cutting and planing wood”
C. X S.R.L., having as its object of activity “Cutting and planing of wood”, CAEN code 1610. Period audited: 01.01.2017…
Continue ReadingTax inspection of a taxpayer whose object of activity is “Manufacture of metal structures and component parts of metal structures”
S.C. X S.R.L., having as its object of activity “Manufacture of metal constructions and component parts of metal structures”, CAEN…
Continue ReadingTax inspection of individual taxpayers
NATURAL PERSON X The period inspected was: 01.01.2020 – 31.12.2021, for tax on income from self-employment, CAS and CASS. The…
Continue ReadingResults of a tax inspection of a taxpayer having as its object of activity “Growing of cereals (excluding rice), leguminous plants and oilseed plants”
X INDIVIDUAL ENTERPRISE has as its activity “Growing of cereals (excluding rice), leguminous crops and oil seed crops”, CAEN code…
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