Recognition and equivalence of educational qualifications obtained abroad

In the Official Gazette no. 677 of 15 July 2024 was published the ME Order no. 4620 of 6 June 2024 regarding the approval of the Methodology for the recognition and equivalence of pre-university level study documents obtained abroad and at the organizations providing education that provide schooling based on a curriculum of another state, on the territory of Romania, pre-university education activities.

As of the date of entry into force of this Order, the Order of the Minister of National Education No. 3.630/2018 is repealed.

The Ministry of Education through the National Centre for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas (C.N.R.E.D.) – evaluates, recognizes and equalizes the study documents held by citizens of the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation, their family members, as well as beneficiaries of a form of international protection, in order to continue their studies in Romania, as well as those held by citizens of non-EU countries, in order to access the Romanian labour market.

The evaluation and recognition of studies/diplomas obtained abroad are done by comparison with the Romanian educational system, in order to establish the level/field and/or specializations.

The present methodology applies to pre-university level study documents attesting the completion of studies at accredited educational institutions abroad and at education provider organizations registered in the Special Register of Education Provider Organizations.

Recognition and equivalence apply to the following categories of citizens:

  • Romanian citizens, citizens of the Member States of the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation, citizens of third states who benefit from equal treatment with Romanian citizens and persons who benefit from a form of international protection on the territory of Romania;
  • third-country nationals, only for access to the Romanian labor market.

In order to continue their studies in Romania and in order to access the Romanian labour market, for the citizens mentioned above, C.N.R.E.D. automatically recognizes and/or automatically equalizes the foreign study documents.

              In order to obtain the right of free practice for the exercise of a regulated profession in Romania, C.N.R.E.D. recognizes both the diplomas obtained in third countries by European citizens and other categories of citizens and diplomas obtained in Member States of the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation.


In the evaluation procedure of the study documents, C.N.R.E.D. takes into account:


  • the belonging of the study document to the category of national study documents;
  • the status of the issuing institution in the country of origin;
  • the right to continue studies in the country of origin, conferred by the study document;
  • the level of qualification corresponding to the study document;
  • field of study and/or program of study;
  • duration of studies.


The study documents will be recognized and/or equated if the following cumulative conditions are met:


  • the educational institution which issued the transcript is accredited in the home state;
  • the field and/or specialization, curriculum/workload/learning outcomes correspond to those of the Romanian pre-university education system;
  • the study document belongs to the category of recognized national study documents issued in the pre-university education system of the country of origin;
  • the level of qualification corresponding to the study document is similar to that in the Romanian pre-university education system;
  • the right to continue studies in the country of origin, conferred by the diploma.


The file for the recognition or equivalence of study documents for those who apply for further studies in Romania and / or access to the Romanian labour market, includes the following documents:


  • Application;
  • identity document and proof of change of name of the holder (if applicable);
  • the diploma;
  • in the case of professional or post-secondary studies, documents specifying the duration of the studies, the competences acquired, the name and description of the courses completed;
  • proof of the assessment fee, in accordance with the legal rules in force;
  • other documents, if necessary.



The documents requested in the recognition procedure must be submitted, in copy, for documents issued in Romanian, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, English, French and Spanish. For the other foreign languages, the documents shall be submitted in copy and legalized translation into Romanian.


Applications are submitted:

  • online, through the electronic Single Electronic Contact Point (PCUe);
  • through pre-university education establishments, higher education institutions, county school inspectorates or the School Inspectorate of the Municipality of Bucharest;
  • at the Registrar’s Office of the Ministry of Education or through postal services.


The deadline for solving the files is 30 working days from the date of registration of the complete file at C.N.R.E.D.


In case C.N.R.E.D. finds that the file is incomplete, it informs the applicant about the completion of the file within 3 (three) months from the date of receipt of the notification.


The C.N.R.E.D.’s decision may be contested once, within 30 working days from the date of notification, by means of a reasoned request.







The document of recognition or equivalence of studies is issued as follows:


  • to the holder or a first or second degree relative;
  • a person empowered by notarial power of attorney.
  • to the representative of the employer or educational institution in Romania;
  • by courier or postal services,
  • in digital format, with electronic signature, for files submitted online via PCUe.


In case of loss, destruction or damage of the document of recognition or equivalence, C.N.R.E.D. issues, upon request, a duplicate of it. For the issuance of the duplicate, the applicant shall submit a written request accompanied by the following documents:


  • A copy of the certificate of studies that has been recognized or equivalented;
  • copy of the identity card;
  • proof of payment of the fee, according to the legal regulations in force;
  • a personal affidavit stating that the applicant falls into one of the situations mentioned above


Persons who benefit from international protection on the territory of Romania and who cannot provide proof of studies or qualifications obtained can apply for the European Refugee Qualifications Passport, which is issued in English.