RO e-transport

By OUG (Government Emergency Ordinance) 115/2023, several changes related to the RO e-Transport System are introduced, namely:


  • Starting from 15 December 2023, the obligation to report via RO e-Transport international road consignments of goods (related to import/export/intra-Community acquisitions/intra-Community deliveries), regardless of the category of goods transported (not only for high tax risk goods), is established.).


  • The obligation to declare in the RO e-Transport System the data related to the international transport of goods is incumbent on the following users:


-the consignee entered on the customs import declaration, respectively the consignor

 entered on the customs export declaration;

-the beneficiary in Romania, in the case of intra-Community acquisitions of goods;

-the supplier in Romania, in the case of intra-Community supplies of goods;

-the warehousekeeper, in the case of goods subject to intra-Community transactions in



  • Failure to comply with the obligations to declare international shipments of goods in the RO e-Transport system is punishable by a fine of 20,000 lei to 100,000 lei in the case of legal persons, as well as confiscation of the value of undeclared goods.
  • The obligation of the transport operator to equip the transport vehicles with telecommunication terminal devices using satellite positioning and data transmission technologies, on which the software of the National Centre for Financial Information is installed, as well as the obligation of the transport operator to ensure, during the entire route, the transfer of the current positioning data of the transport vehicles subject to the declaration.
  • The obligation of the driver of the transport vehicle to switch on the positioning device before the start of the transport on the national territory and to switch off the positioning device only after the delivery of the goods at the declared place of delivery or after leaving the national territory is established.


Penalties for non-compliance with the new obligations on international road haulage will enter into force from 1 July 2024.