Registration for customs purposes of economic operators and other persons – procedure (2)

[Extract from O.AVR no.1760/2023 – Annex no.1:REQUEST for EORI number assignment]



Please consult the explanatory notes before filling in the form!

To: Regional Customs Directorate ……………../Customs Office …………………………


1. Applicant

Reserved for customs purposes


Reference No Applicant :


Application registration number (registration):


Unique identification code:


Full name:


Short name:


I apply for EORI no. per period:


Application registration no. (computer):

2. Address of registered office/Residence

Street and number






Established in the customs territory of the Union?






3. VAT identification number(s)

4. Legal status


VAT identification number


Form of constitution






5. Date of incorporation/Date of birth

6. Type of person

7. Contact person 

Name and surname

Street and number









8. Identification number(s) assigned for customs purposes by the competent authorities of a third country

9. Principal economic activity code

Third country 

Identification number  




10. Agreement to publish personal data*

|_| YES

|_| NO

11. List of attached documents

Description of document



Release date

Expiry date


12. |_| I declare on my own responsibility that I have not been assigned an EORI number to date.

13. |_| Agreement to process personal data

I have been informed of the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. I have been informed that personal data are processed for the purpose of assigning the registration number in the customs authority’s computer system and for the fulfilment of the customs authority’s legal duties. I have been informed that according to the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) I have the right of access, rectification, on the basis of a notification to the customs authority, to delete personal data, the right to restrict processing, the right to object to processing, the right to withdraw my consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of my consent prior to its withdrawal, and the right to lodge a complaint with the National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data.

14. Signature:

Name of Applicant / representative



* Checking the “YES” option constitutes consent that the EORI number, which will be assigned by the competent customs authority, as well as the personal data entered in boxes 1 and 2, processed for the purpose of obtaining the EORI number, will be transmitted to the European Commission by the customs authority for publication on the Internet.

Checking the “NO” option does not affect the assignment of the EORI number.



Explanatory notes on request:



Reference No Applicant : The system automatically assigns a reference number. The economic operator can modify the registration by entering the registration number of the application in his records.

Natural persons do not fill in this box.

Unique identification code: To be completed according to the Type of person as follows:

– in the case of economic operators established in Romania, enter the unique registration code from the registration certificate issued by the Trade Register Office;

– in the case of persons, other than economic operators, who have their registered office/residence in Romania, enter the unique registration code from the registration certificate issued by the Trade Register Office or the registration number for tax purposes, as appropriate;

– in the case of natural persons, the personal numerical code;

– in the case of economic operators and other persons, except natural persons, who are not established in the customs territory of the Union, enter the third country code (ISO alpha 2) followed by the registration number assigned by the competent authority of the country where the applicant is established;

– in the case of natural persons who are not established in the customs territory of the Union, enter the third country code (ISO alpha 2) followed by the series and number of the valid passport or other travel document;

– in the case of TIR carnet holders who are not established in the Customs territory of the Union, enter: the letter “T”, followed by the ISO alpha 2 country code of the haulier’s country, the three-digit code of the national guaranteeing association through which the TIR carnet holder was authorised for the TIR procedure and the TIR carnet holder number assigned by the guaranteeing association of the third country

Full name: Enter the full name/Name and surname of the person requesting the EORI number assignment.

Short name: Enter the initials of the Applicant’s name/surname or any other short form of the name.

Request EORI number for the period: Enter the date from which the EORI number is requested and the date of expiry of the EORI number. The expiry date is mandatory. If the EORI number is assigned on the basis of a valid passport or other travel document, the expiry date of the EORI number shall be completed with the Expiry date of the document concerned.


2.Address of registered office/Residence

The full address of the registered office or residence, as appropriate, including postcode and country identifier shall be given.

In the box “Validity”:

– sub box – Begin : the date entered in box 1 (date from which the EORI number assignment is requested);

– sub-box – End : to be completed in the case of requests for changes concerning the change of address of the registered office initially declared when the EORI number was assigned.

In the box – Established in the customs territory of the Union:

Enter “Yes” or “No”, as appropriate, depending on the address where the habitual residence is established, in the case of natural persons, or the address where the permanent establishment, as defined in Article 5 point 32 of the Customs Code of the Union, is established, in the case of legal persons or associations of persons.


3.VAT identification number(s)

Enter the Country/Tier(s) and number(s) assigned, if applicable, by the tax authority(ies) in Romania or other EU Member States. Individuals do not complete this box.


4.Legal status

Enter the form of incorporation of the Applicant as mentioned in the incorporation document, if applicable.

In the box “Validity”:

– sub box – Begin : enter the date from which the EORI number assignment is requested;

– sub box – End : to be filled in the case of requests for changes concerning the form of incorporation only in case of a change of the legal status initially declared in the application for the assignment of the EORI number.


5.Date of incorporation/Date of birth

Se mentioneaza data de constituire sau, in cazul unei persoane fizice, data nasterii Applicant ului.


6.Type of person

Enter Type of person in coded form as follows:

1 – for natural person;

2 – for legal person;

3 – for an association of persons, as referred to in Article 5(4) of the Union Customs Code.


7.Contact person 

The name of the contact person, the address and at least one of the following: telephone number, fax number and e-mail address.

A maximum of 9 contact persons can be entered.

Contact person will be inserted with the same first and last name only once.

In the case of a request to change the contact person’s details, the new details are overwritten in the existing record (the details are changed) and no new record with the same name and surname is added.


8.Identification number(s) assigned for customs purposes by the competent authorities of a third country

In the case of a person who is not established in the customs territory of the Union, the identification number(s) assigned, where applicable, to the person concerned for customs purposes by the competent authorities of a third country with which an agreement on mutual administrative assistance in customs matters is in force shall be entered. This (these) identification number(s) includes (include) the Country or Territory code (if available, ISO alpha 2 country code).


9.Principal economic activity code

Mention the Principal economic activity code at 4-digit level according to the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Union (CAEN), if applicable.

Natural persons do not complete this box.


  1. Agreement to publish personal data

Mark  one of the boxes corresponding to the agreement/refusal of the European Commission’s publication of the EORI number and personal data on the Internet.

The agreement to the publication on the Internet by the Commission of the identification and registration data mentioned in the application for an EORI number (EORI number, full name of the person and address of the registered office or domicile) is not mandatory.

Refusal to publish personal data does not affect the processing of the application for the assignment of the EORI number and the completion of customs formalities.


11.List of attached documents

Enter the identification data of the documents to be attached to the application for an EORI number.


  1. Declaration on own responsibility

Mark  the box that represents the declaration on own responsibility.


13.Agreement to process personal data

Check the box corresponding to the consent for processing personal data.


  1. Signature

Enter Name and surname, position and sign by the legal representative of the economic operator or the representative designated by the economic operator in relations with the customs authority.

In the case of TIR carnet holders who are not established in the Customs territory of the Community, the name and surname of the driver of the motor vehicle shall be entered and signed by him.

Date: Enter the date of completion of the application.


Legal basis:

– AVR Order 1760/2023 approving the Technical Rules on the registration for customs purposes of economic operators and other persons

– Customs Code of 2006 of Romania, with subsequent amendments and additions.