Law no. 230/ 2020 to amend Law no. 227/ 2015 – Fiscal code

Amendments to Law no. 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code by Law no. 230/2020, published in the Official Gazette no. 1030 of 4 November 2020, concerns Articles 456 (4) and 464 (4), par. 4, clarifying the conditions that must be met in order to benefit from the reductions granted to those Articles.

Thus, starting with January 1, 2021, the date of entry into force of the law:

  • The tax on buildings owned by individuals and legal entities that are used for the provision of tourist services, for a maximum of 180 consecutive or cumulative days, during a calendar year, is reduced by 50%. The reduction shall apply in the fiscal year following that in which this condition is met.


The tax on land owned by natural and legal persons that are used for the provision of tourist services, for a maximum of 180 consecutive or cumulated days, during a calendar year, is reduced by 50%. The reduction shall apply in the fiscal year following that in which this condition is met.