Inspection of documentary checks at a company having as its object of activity “Public relations and communication consultancy activities”

S.C. X S.R.L. has as its object of activity “Consultancy activities in the field of public relations and communication”, CAEN code 7021.

Period audited: 01.10.2022 – 31.12.2022 – corporate income tax.

Main observations of the tax inspection authorities  Following the checks carried out on the ANAF database, namely on the annual financial statements for 2022, the supplies recorded and declared in the VAT returns for the period October – December 2022, it was found that the company realized revenues exceeding EUR 1,000,000. Thus, the taxpayer recorded in Form 20 “Profit and Loss Account” a turnover in the total amount of x lei. Also, following the verification of the VAT returns submitted for the quarters October – December 2022, it was found that the taxpayer recorded these amounts in line 15 “Supplies of goods and services exempt without the right to deduct”.

For the fourth quarter of 2022, the audited company registered and declared to the state budget the tax on microenterprises’ income at the rate of 1%, in the amount of x lei, the tax on microenterprises’ income registered and declared in the annual financial statements for 2022 being in the amount of x lei. In view of the aforementioned, the tax inspection team found that the ceiling of EUR 1,000,000 was exceeded in the last quarter of 2022, the taxpayer being obliged to register as a payer of corporate income tax as of October 1, 2022, in accordance with the provisions of Article 52 of Law no. 227/2015 on the Tax Code, as amended and supplemented. Thus, the tax inspection body established additional corporate income tax for the fourth quarter of 2022 in the amount of x lei.


Source: ANAF