Conclusions of the tax inspection of a company with the activity “Other professional, scientific and technical activities not elsewhere classified”

Conclusions of the tax inspection of a company with the activity “Other professional, scientific and technical activities not elsewhere classified” (CAEN 7490), for the period 01.01.2016-31.12.2021.

Through the conclusions of the tax inspection authorities , there were:

As a result of the tax inspection, the taxable base was increased by the amount of x lei, related VAT in the amount of x lei, of which:

Additional VAT in the amount of x lei, following the establishment of the place of rendering of services, as provided by law. According to the findings of the tax inspection authorities, the activity carried out by the company under audit consists of online videochat services for adult entertainment, the place of performance of which is in Romania, and these services are taxable and taxable operations in terms of value added tax;

VAT not deductible in the amount of x lei, relating to purchases of goods and services for which the company is not entitled to deduct because it has not justified the use of taxable transactions.


Source: ANAF