The accounting reporting system as of June 30, 2020, of the economic operators (micro-entities, small, medium, and large entities, respectively,…
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Ordinance of the Finance Ministry (OMFP) 2206_2020
In the Official Gazette no. 675 of July 30, 2020, was published the Order no. 2.206 for the approval of…
Continue ReadingPreventing and combating money laundering – Modifications and completions
In the Official Gazette number 620 of July 15, 2020, was published EMERGENCY ORDINANCE (OUG) no. 111 of July 1,…
Continue ReadingInstructions for applying VAT exemptions – Amendments
In the Official Gazette with number 628 of July 17, 2020, the MFP ORDER no. 2148 of July 14, 2020, regarding…
Continue ReadingChanges in the field of Insolvency
Law no. 113/2020 regarding the approval of Emergency Ordinance (OUG) no. 88/2018 for the amendment and completion of some normative…
Continue ReadingRegarding the Decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJUE)- legal case C-430/19
By decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union, in Case C-430/19, concerning the dispute between SC C.F.…
Continue ReadingAmendment of Law no. 129/2019 for preventing and combating the financing of terrorism
1. Article 56, paragraph (1) is modified and will have the following content: “Art. 56 (1) Legal entities subject to…
Continue ReadingLaw no. 102/2020 for the amendment and completion of Law no. 31/1990 on commercial companies
This act introduces some important changes, which enter into force on July 5, 2020, the date of entry into force…
Continue ReadingRegarding sanctioning non-compliance with the requirements of organizing internal audit activity
With the approval of Law no. 162/2017 on the statutory audit of annual financial statements and consolidated annual financial statements…
Continue ReadingPostponement of reporting fiscal arrangements
Emergency Ordinance (OUG) no. 107 regarding the modification of art. II of the Government Ordinance no. 5/2020 for the amendment…
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