The manner of granting the financial support and the categories of goods that can be purchased according to art. 6…
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Law on electronic invoicing in the field of public procurement no. 199/2020
On September 8, 2020, was promulgated by the President of Romania, the Law no. 199/2020 on electronic invoicing in the…
Continue ReadingFiscal measures to stimulate the maintenance /increase of own capital
In the Official Gazette no. 817 of September 4, 2020, there was published the Emergency Ordinance 153/2020 regarding the establishment…
Continue ReadingDisability Fund calculation starting with 24.08.2020
In the Official Gazette with number 767 of August 21, 2020, was published LAW no. 193 of August 21, 2020…
Continue ReadingServices provided by an EU company on the territory of Romania
A company ABC SRL registered for VAT purposes and profit tax payers, concludes a contract with a Hungarian company (VAT…
Continue ReadingANAF press release: Online programming – a new electronic service available to taxpayers
The Ministry of Public Finance, collaborated, through the National Center for Financial Information, and ANAF in the development and implementation…
Continue ReadingAmendment of Statement 394 starting with September 2020
The Order no. 3769/2015 regarding the declaration of deliveries/services and acquisitions made on the national territory by the persons registered…
Continue ReadingNew provisions on the detaching of employees as part of the provision of transnational services
In the Official Gazette no. 736 of August 13, 2020, there was published Law no. 172/2020 for the amendment and…
Continue ReadingEmergency Ordinance (OUG) no. 130/2020
In the Official Gazette no. 705 of August 6, 2020, was published the Emergency Ordinance (OUG) no. 130/2020 on some…
Continue ReadingVAT related to electronic services
The National Tax Authorities (ANAF) Order no. 3039/2020 (regarding the amendment and completion of the annex to the Order of…
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