Situation: An authorized natural person (PFA), with the object of activity CAEN 6202 Information technology consulting activities, provides services to…
Continue ReadingReports used to declare suspicious transactions
Order ONPCSB 14/2021 for approving the form and content of the reports provided in art.6 and 7 of Law no.129…
Continue ReadingAcquisitions of electronic services – provider of United Kingdom (case)
Situation: A company ABC SRL, paying VAT, receives web hosting services (web hosting) from a company from Great Britain, with…
Continue ReadingCompany with VAT code canceled ex officio and exceeding the limit (case)
Situation: A company ABC SRL has the VAT code canceled by ANAF according to art. 316 paragraph (11), letter h)…
Continue ReadingChanges to cross-border arrangements
Law no.123/2021 regarding the approval of the Government Ordinance no. 5/2020 for the amendment and completion of Law no. 207/2015…
Continue ReadingNew regulations in the field of labor relations
Emergency Ordinance (OUG) no. 36/2021 on the use of advanced electronic signature or qualified electronic signature, accompanied by electronic time…
Continue ReadingAllowance granted to a manager with a mandate – tax treatment (case)
Situation: A manager with a mandate contract, travels in the country, in the interest of the company. What is the…
Continue ReadingAdditional protection of Romanian citizens working abroad
Emergency Ordinance (OUG) 33/2021 for the amendment and completion of Law no. 156/2000 on the protection of Romanian citizens working…
Continue ReadingAcquisitions of services from a non-resident non-paying legal entity – tax treatment (case) TML
Situation: A company ABC SRL from Romania, non-VAT payer intends to purchase services from a company X, non-VAT payer from…
Continue ReadingFuneral aid granted on parental leave (case)
Situation: An employee has a suspended employment contract for parental leave and a death occurs in the family. Can the…
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