License for brokerage services: A license is required for the provision of intermediation services of dual-use items included in Annex…
Continue ReadingControl regime for operations with dual-use items (1)
The Emergency Ordinance (OUG) no.43 on the control regime of operations with dual-use items was published in the Official Gazette…
Continue ReadingRURAL INVEST program – key issues
The Order of the Ministry of Finance (MF) no.933 for the approval of the State aid scheme associated with the…
Continue ReadingSpecial VAT code for intra-Community supplies of services (case)
Situation: A company ABC SRL, a non-VAT paying micro-enterprise (from Romania) provides IT services for a taxable company in France.…
Continue ReadingMaximum non-taxable daytime limit (case)
Situation: Taking into account the provisions of Law 72/2022, what is the amount of per diem that can be granted…
Continue ReadingUnfair trade practices between enterprises in the agricultural and food supply chain
Law no. 81 on unfair commercial practices between enterprises within the agricultural and food supply chain was published in the…
Continue ReadingEstablishment of the RO e-Transport system
In the Official Gazette (Part I) no.356 of 11 April 2022, the Emergency Ordinance no.41/2022 was published for the establishment…
Continue ReadingFinancial aid for employees of companies affected by the conflict in Ukraine
Emergency Ordinance No. 36 on the establishment of social protection measures for employees in the context of the armed conflict…
Continue ReadingNew regulations in the social economy
In the Official Gazette no.323 of 1 April 2022 was published OUG no.33/2022 for the modification and completion of the…
Continue ReadingAnnual financial statements for micro-entities
According to point 576 of the MoF Order no. 1802/2014 for the approval of the Accounting Regulations regarding the individual…
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