Situation: A company trades textiles, wholesale and retail (through online platforms) both in Romania and in the EU. What is…
Continue ReadingGranted social vouchers
Emergency Ordinance no. 63 on some temporary measures for granting material support to categories of persons at risk of material…
Continue ReadingEmployment of Ukrainian citizens in Romania
In the context of the new legislative changes, Ukrainian citizens who have legally entered the territory of Romania and who…
Continue ReadingEmployment of foreigners in Romania
According to the legislation in force, a foreigner is a person who does not have Romanian citizenship, the citizenship of…
Continue ReadingProcedure for refunding overpaid dividend tax
ANAF Order no.765 on the procedure for refunding the tax on dividends resulting from the annual adjustment of dividends partially…
Continue ReadingDomestic provider law
Law 111 on the regulation of the activity of the domestic provider was published in the Official Gazette (Part I)…
Continue ReadingMedical leave for the care of the sick child
According to article 26 paragraph (1) and paragraph (1^1) of the EMERGENCY ORDINANCE no.158/2005 on social health insurance leave and…
Continue ReadingGrant income – profit sharing (case)
Case: A company ABC SRL benefits from a grant for working capital (Measure 2) according to the URGENT ORDINANCE 130/2020.…
Continue ReadingTax treatment when selling land (case)
Situation: A micro-enterprise (ABC SRL), a VAT payer, intends to sell a piece of land from its patrimony. What is…
Continue ReadingState aid schemes for the beef, pig, and poultry sectors
Emergency Ordinance (OUG) no.51 on the establishment of a state aid scheme to support the activity of farmers in the…
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