MF Order no.1329 on the procedure and conditions for the authorization of tax warehouses, registered consignees, registered consignors and authorized…
Continue ReadingRO e-Invoice system from 1 July in B2G relationship
In the Official Gazette (Part I) no.490 of 17 May 2022 was published the Law no.139/2022 for the approval of…
Continue ReadingDividend distribution to non-resident legal persons (PJ) (case)
Situation: A company ABC SRL, a micro-enterprise, based in Romania and established in 2018, has a legal entity based in…
Continue ReadingAppealing an ANAF decision (2)
Competent authority: The specialized structure for the resolution of appeals within the Ministry of Finance resolves appeals against debt certificates…
Continue ReadingAppealing an ANAF decision (1)
In the Official Gazette (Part I no.482) of 13 May 2022 was published MF Order no.1021 approving the Instructions for…
Continue ReadingRaising the minimum wage in agriculture and the food industry
Law No. 135/2022 amending and supplementing certain legislative acts was published in the Official Gazette (Part I) No. 489 of…
Continue ReadingTax exemption for employers who increase the minimum wage by 200 lei
On 18.05.2022, the Emergency Ordinance on some fiscal measures and for the amendment and completion of Article 59 of…
Continue ReadingAccommodation expenses reimbursement for an external partner (case)
Situation: ABC SRL settles the accommodation of an external provider of marketing consultancy services. Is this expense deductible? What about…
Continue ReadingDeductions established or raised online
In the Official Gazette (Part I) no.466 of 10 May 2022 was published ANAF Order no.878 on the establishment of…
Continue ReadingIncreased minimum wage – agriculture and food industry
In the Official Gazette (Part I) no.489 of 17 May 2022, Law no.135/2022 for amending and supplementing some normative acts.…
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