Situation: A company XYZ SRL with a turnover of less than 300,000 lei per year provides services for clients in…
Continue ReadingRules on exemptions and reduced rates of VAT
In the Official Gazette (Part I) no. 722 of 04 August 2023 was published the Government Decision (HG) no. 653/2023…
Continue ReadingChanges related to the holding and presentation of the UIT code
We remind you that Law 233/2023 was published in the Official Gazette (Part I) no. 668 of 20 July 2023,…
Continue ReadingHot meal and meal vouchers for employees (case)
Situation: A company ABC SRL, which is active in the field of wholesale of wooden articles, gives its employees…
Continue ReadingDividends distributed during the financial year
According to the Companies Law no. 31/1990, article 67, the share of the profit paid to each partner constitutes a…
Continue ReadingApprenticeship at the workplace
Apprenticeship is vocational training carried out in the workplace on the basis of an apprenticeship contract, for persons over 16…
Continue ReadingCollaboration contract with a natural person (case)
Situation: A commercial company, liable for corporate income tax, with no employees, wants to enter into a collaboration contract (civil…
Continue ReadingOptional CASS payment for day labourers (case)
Situation: One person works as a day labourer in agriculture. In the year 2023, they earn a gross income of…
Continue ReadingIncreasing the value of meal vouchers–project approved by the executive
According to a draft emergency ordinance adopted today, 27 July, by the Executive, the value of meal vouchers will increase…
Continue ReadingAccounting reporting system as at 30 June 2023
In the Official Gazette with number 677 of 24 July 2023 was published the MF Order no.2195 of 12 July…
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