S.C. X S.R.L. Object of activity: Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles and their engines (CAEN code…
Continue ReadingDocumentary checks on legal entities and individuals taxpayers (3)
P.F. X – The period audited was: 01.01.2017 – 31.12.2021. The main findings of the tax inspection bodies were: Individual…
Continue ReadingDocumentary checks on legal entities and individuals taxpayers (2)
S.C. X S.R.L. – Its object of activity is “Manufacture of other plastic products”, CAEN code 2229. Period audited: 01.01.2016…
Continue ReadingDocumentary verification of legal entities and individuals taxpayers (1)
P.F. X – Period audited: 01.01.2017 – 31.12.2018 for income tax and social contributions. The main observations of the tax…
Continue ReadingTax inspections of individual taxpayers (2)
CABINET AVOCAT X has the business object “Legal activities”, code CAEN 6910. The period audited was: 01.01.2016 – 31.12.2021 for…
Continue ReadingTax inspections of individual taxpayers (1)
Association of X and Y has as its object of activity “Real estate transactions/trading of compensating points” CAEN code 6810.…
Continue ReadingEarly education
Early education, defined by the Law on Pre-University Education as pre-school (3 months-3 years) and preschool (3-6 years), includes the…
Continue ReadingObservations following a tax inspection carried out at a company with the object of activity “Wholesale of electronic and telecommunications components and equipment”
S.C. X S.R.L. has as its object of activity “Wholesale of electronic and telecommunications components and equipment”, CAEN code 4652.…
Continue ReadingObservations following a tax inspection carried out at a company with the object of activity “Warehousing”
S.C. X S.R.L. has as its object of activity “Warehousing”, CAEN code 5210. Period audited: September 21, 2020 – March…
Continue ReadingObservations following a tax inspection of a company with the activity ‘Other business support service activities’
“Other business support service activities”, CAEN code 4931. Period audited: 01.01.2016-31.03.2022 for VAT; 01.01.2016-31.12.2020 for corporation tax. The main findings…
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