S.C. X S.R.L. has as its object of activity “Purchase and sale of own real estate”, CAEN code 6810.
Period audited:
- 12.2023 – 31.03.2024 – Value Added Tax;
- 10.2023 – 31.12.2023 – Corporate income tax.
The main results of the tax inspection authorities were:
S.C. X S.R.L. has wrongly canceled invoice no. –/29.12.2023, representing in fact construction works performed and recorded in account 704 “Income from rendering of services”, which is why the tax inspection authorities have additionally established the VAT collected in the amount of x lei.
Also, in December 2023, according to the income tax return for the year 2023, form code D101, the taxpayer declared non-deductible expenses in the total amount of x lei, of which x lei, highlighted under the category “Other non-deductible expenses”, representing regularizations made on the operations recorded in accounts 409 and 411, amounts in balance as at 31.10.2023.
Thus, for the non-deductible expenses in the amount of x lei, recorded by S.C. X S.R.L., representing advances paid for which advance invoices for undelivered movable goods/unused services were recorded, VAT being deducted in the amount of x lei, unjustified operations, the tax inspection authorities proceeded to adjust the VAT.
The tax inspection authorities recalculated the taxable profit for the year 2023, from the verification of the reversal operations performed by the taxpayer on the operating income, which had the effect of decreasing the turnover of the account 704 “Income from services rendered” in December 2023, operations that were not justified with documents, establishing an additional taxable profit in the amount of x lei and an additional corporate income tax in the amount of x lei.
Source: ANAF