Form 151 for revocation of access to the online service

On the ANAF website you can find useful information on how to revoke the right of access to the online service.

If the request is submitted by the holder of the qualified certificate himself, the online procedure should be used, the “Online revocation – form 151” module on the “Electronic declarations” page.

If the revocation of the right to use the service is requested by a person other than the person for whom this right was obtained, a form which can be found on the ANAF website is used.

It shall be submitted in paper format, signed and stamped by the taxpayer, to the tax unit in whose district the taxpayer is domiciled for tax purposes.

The application shall be accompanied by the following documents:

– the original and copy of the taxpayer’s authorisation to operate; – the original and copy of the identity document of the person requesting the revocation of the digital certificate;

– a power of attorney issued by the taxpayer, showing the applicant’s right to revoke the right to use the service.

Please note: form 151 does not cancel the digital certificate, only the right to access the online service.