Vocational training

The main objective of the professional training of employees is to adapt them to the workplace and to the requirements of the position occupied.

               Vocational training is a continuous learning process and a method of improvement that helps to adapt to the dynamics of the labour market.

Vocational training aims at updating knowledge, improving professional training, promotion and career development.

Periodic professional training helps employees to develop their professional career, to update their knowledge and skills specific to the position they occupy, to improve their professional preparation for the basic occupation.

               In Romania, according to the labour legislation in force, employers are obliged to ensure participation in vocational training programmes for all employees, at least once every 3 years for companies with less than 21 employees and at least once every 2 years for companies with 21 or more employees.

Every company must have an internal training policy which can be included in the company’s internal rules or be an internal document in its own right.

The purpose of the internal training policy is to set out how the training process is organised and carried out and the steps to be taken to determine the training needs.

               Vocational training can be achieved through the following methods:

– Attending courses organised by the employer or by vocational training providers in the country or abroad;

– Internships to adapt to the requirements of the job and the workplace;

– Internships and specialization in the country and abroad;

– Apprenticeships organised at the workplace;

– Individualized training (e.g. trainings).

               When the employee participates in vocational training courses or internships initiated by the employer, the expenses are borne by the employer.

               The employee who has benefited from a vocational training course or internship cannot have the initiative to terminate the individual employment contract for a period established by an additional act.

If the employee does not comply with the provisions of the supplementary agreement, he/she is obliged to bear the costs of vocational training in proportion to the time not worked during the period previously established.

               The vocational training of employees is an advantage both for the employer, because in this way he trains a high performance staff, and for the employee, who develops his professional skills and abilities according to the basic profession.