The de minimis scheme dedicated to the cultural sector

On 1 November 2023 the applications for access to the “Scheme of de minimis aid dedicated to the independent cultural sector” will start according to the order of the Ministry of Culture no.3453/04.112022 .

The maximum amount that can be obtained is 200,000 euro/beneficiary and is calculated as 20% of the difference in turnover per eligible CAEN code between 2019 and 2020.

Eligibility conditions:

They are legally constituted legal entities (SRL, ONG, SA, SNC, SCS, etc.);

Applicants are not insolvent;

The legal representative has an electronic signature;

Applicants have submitted their annual financial statements for the years 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 to the competent tax institutions within the legal deadline;

They show a difference between the turnover for 2019 and 2020;

They had turnover in at least one of the CAEN codes:


Fields of activity


Reproduction of recordings



Non-specialised wholesale trade *

* limited exclusively to the sale of books through specialised bookshops operated in physical premises accessible to the general public



Retail sale of books in specialist shops *

* limited exclusively to the sale of books through specialised bookshops operated in physical premises accessible to the general public




Retail trade via order-books or Internet*

* limited to the intermediation of online ticket sales for cultural and/or artistic events


Book publishing activities


Motion picture, video and television programme production activities


Motion picture, video and television programme post-production activities


Motion picture, video and television programme distribution activities


Motion picture projection


Audio recording and music editing activities


Photographic activities



Other reservation and tourist assistance services *

* limited to the intermediation of online ticket sales for cultural and/or artistic events


Cultural education (languages, music, theatre, dance, fine arts, etc.)


Artistic interpretation activities (performances)


Support activities for artistic interpretation (performances)


Artistic creation activities


Performance hall management activities


Library and archives activities


Museums activities


Management of monuments, historic buildings and other tourist attractions


Eligible expenditure:

Applicants must, as a priority, pay their debts to the central budget at the time of receiving the grant!

All other expenses incurred from the grant are eligible as long as they are recorded in the company’s accounts and are related to the field of activity for which they received the funding.

Please note, if you are a VAT payer: Eligible amounts are amounts excluding VAT.

Assumptions of the applicant:

Beneficiaries are obliged to maintain the activity of the company for a period of 6 months from the date of receipt of the last instalment of the grant and to pay their debts to the central budget.

They shall use up the amounts obtained within a maximum of 6 months from the date of receipt of the last instalment of the grant.

Advantages of the program:

No risk of not getting funding. If the programme budget is exceeded, the eligible amounts of all beneficiaries will be reduced so that everyone gets the state aid.

The first tranche of money will be allocated by 31.12.2023 and the last tranche by 30 June 2024 at the latest.