Amendment to the Treasury Payment Order (OPT) and Electronic Multiple Payment Order (OPME)

The M.F. Order no. 2538 of 12.09.2023 brings changes to the way of completing Payment Orders for budgetary obligations.


The main change introduced by M.F.O. 2538/12.09.2023 is the replacement of the name «State Budget» by «Consolidated General Budget».

In the Beneficiary field, the «Consolidated General Budget» should be filled in and not the State budget.

Under the field Representing the Beneficiary fill in «Consolidated General Budget» and any other information considered relevant, such as contributions month x, payroll tax month x, VAT month x, etc.

There are no changes related to the filling in of the Tax Identification Code, it remains the one of the beneficiary, as before and the exception related to the payroll tax due by the secondary offices is kept, i.e. the Tax Identification Code of the secondary office is passed.

On the ANAF website there is no new version for the OPFV but the current format allows manual completion of the above mentioned fields.