Change of toll regime – from 2026 (2)

Application of TollRo on the national road network in Romania:

Starting from 1 January 2026, the electronic road charging system, called STRR, will be introduced on the Romanian  SETRE domain.

SETRE Romania domain – the national road network in Romania, with the exception of the national road sectors located within the urban area of municipalities between the entry/exit signs in/out of them, for the use of which the toll due is collected through an electronic road pricing system.

STRR is interoperable with electronic road charging systems in other EU Member States via STRR complementary to STRR. STRR provides SETRo users with access to SETRE.

Starting from 1 January 2026, TollRo is introduced, which applies on the Romanian SETRE domain, for all registered vehicles used on it, designed and built for the transport of goods with a maximum authorised total mass (MTMA) of more than 3.5 tonnes, and which are collected by STRR. Mixed transport vehicles are assimilated, from the TollRo’s point of view, to goods vehicles.

The TollRo is determined according to:

a) the unit rate; and

b) the distance travelled on a road sector in the SETRE Romania domain expressed in whole unit kilometres.

TollRo is calculated by multiplying the unit tariff by the distance travelled.

The categories and level of the unit tariff are approved by order of the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure.

The unitary charge shall comprise an infrastructure charge and an external cost charge based on the principles of recovery of infrastructure costs, as set out in Article 2(ff), and traffic-based air pollution costs, as set out in Article 2(ii).

  • infrastructure costs – costs related to annual maintenance, costs for significant structural repairs and operating costs of the national road network in Romania;

  • cost of traffic-related air pollution – the cost of damage to human health and the environment caused by the release of particulate matter and ozone precursors, such as NOx and volatile organic compounds, into the atmosphere during vehicle operation;

The unit charge for a vehicle may not exceed by more than 100% the charge for the equivalent vehicle meeting the most stringent Euro emission standards.

TollRo can be paid:

a) under a contract concluded by an SETRo User with an SETRo Provider;

b) on the basis of a single-pass journey ticket, issued through the IT applications interconnected with the STRR. The journey ticket shall be paid for before the passage is made;

  1. c) by mobile application made available to users, free of charge, by CNAIR.

The mobile application can be used for vehicles registered in Romania. The extension of the use of the mobile application for vehicles registered in other countries shall be established by the methodological rules implementing this law.

The following vehicles are exempt from payment of the TollRo:

a) owned or, where applicable, used under a legal right, according to the data entered on the registration certificate, by:

(i)   units of the Ministry of National Defence;

(ii)  units of the Ministry of the Interior;

(iii) units of the Romanian Intelligence Service;

(iv) units of the Foreign Intelligence Service;

(v)  units of the Protection and Security Service;

(vi) units of the Special Telecommunications Service;

(vii) the National Administration of Penitentiaries and its subordinate units;

(viii) Community public services for emergency situations, regulated by Government Ordinance no. 88/2001, approved with amendments and additions by Law no. 363/2002, with subsequent amendments and additions;

(ix) the National Road Infrastructure Management Company – S.A. and its sub-units;

(x)National Red Cross Society of Romania;

b) provided for as exempted by international agreements and treaties to which Romania is a party.

The obligation to request the marking/removal of vehicles in/ from the National Register of Driving Licences and Registered Vehicles and, where applicable, their registration/removal in/ from the STRR database is incumbent on their owners.

The countervalue of the route tickets issued, based on the request submitted to CNAIR by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, through the Department for Emergency Situations, for vehicles carrying out transport within the framework of civil protection missions or humanitarian missions on Romanian territory or transiting Romania for this purpose, shall be transferred biannually to CNAIR by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, from the amounts allocated from the state budget, provided for this purpose in the annual budget laws, on the basis of the statement submitted by the 15th of the first month of each semester, for the previous semester.

The request shall include the list of vehicle registration numbers, accompanied by copies of their registration certificates, the route on the Romanian SETRE domain, the start and end date of the journey.

Route tickets are issued by CNAIR.

CNAIR is designated as the entity that charges and collects TollRo.

(2) CNAIR determines the amount of TollRo due and collects the related amount:

a) from the SETRo Provider, based on the TollRo declarations submitted. The collection of this amount by CNAIR is made independently of the moment of its payment between the User and the SETRo Provider;

b) from the Romanian SETRo domain user, based on the data in the route ticket, registered in the STRR;

c) from the Romanian SETRE domain user, in case of use of the application referred to in Article 12 paragraph (7) letter c), based on the data collected from it.


CNAIR shall draw up, publish and update a declaration stating the conditions applicable to SETRE Providers for access to the SETRE Romania domain, including the procedural and commercial conditions, the authorisation procedure and the TollRo information, in accordance with the conditions laid down in the methodological rules for the application of this Law.

To use the SETRE Romania domain, users can sign contracts for electronic road pricing services with any SETRo provider, purchase route tickets or use the mobile application.

When signing a contract with a SETRo provider, users have the right to be informed about the accepted payment methods and about the processing of personal data, the rights arising from the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), as amended.

The TollRo payment to the SETRo Provider shall be deemed to represent payment of the User’s payment obligations to CNAIR.

In order to properly pay the TollRo, SETRo Users have the following obligations:


a) to declare correctly the user and vehicle data, transmitted to SETRo Providers, and the declared variable parameters;

b) ensure the operation of the OBE for the whole duration of the vehicle circulation on the Romanian SETRE domain;

c) use the OBE in accordance with the SETRo Provider’s instructions;

d) to set the Euro 0 emission class in the OBE in case the emission class is not specified in the vehicle registration certificate;

e) immediately record in the OBE the information on the MTMA modification occurred before or during the use of a road sector of the Romanian SETRE domain, so that it corresponds to the real state of the vehicle;

f) not to allow the vehicle to continue driving on the Romanian SETRE domain, in case of failure or damage of the OBE affecting the proper functioning of the vehicle while driving. In case of theft, loss or destruction of the OBE, to immediately notify the SETRo provider, in order to invalidate the OBE, and to follow its instructions;

g) to pay the TollRo related to the use by an unauthorised person of a stolen or lost OBE that has not been notified to the SETRo Provider, according to f);

h) to notify the SETRo Provider immediately in order to recalculate the TollRo, in case it finds after the end of the journey an error concerning the declaration in the OBE settings.


In order to properly pay the TollRo on the basis of the route ticket, SETRE Romania domain users have the following obligations:


a) to correctly declare the vehicle data, according to the information entered in the vehicle registration certificate;

b) to uniquely identify the passage by establishing the date of the journey, the point of origin, the intermediate points and the point of destination of the transport;

c) use the crossing within 72 hours of the date declared under point b). On expiry of this period the journey ticket shall lose its validity, irrespective of whether the route has been travelled in full or in part.


In order to properly pay the TollRo via the mobile application, SETRE Romania domain users have the following obligations:


a) to correctly declare the vehicle data, according to the information entered in the vehicle registration certificate;

b) to use the application in accordance with its terms and conditions;

c) ensure that the mobile device on board on which the mobile application is running is in working order during the use of the SETRE Romania domain, is connected to internet and mobile data and has the geolocation function active.


Legal basis: Law no. 226/2023 on the application of road charges on the national road network in Romania.