S.C. X S.R.L., has as its object of activity “Production of electricity”, CAEN code 3511.
Period audited: 01.09.2023 – 31.05.2024, VAT.
The main findings of the tax inspection authorities were:
As a result of the checks carried out, the tax inspection authorities found that the audited company decreased the deducted value added tax by the amount of x lei, representing the part of the TNA related to the invoice no. –/2015 dated 11.11.2015 issued by the supplier S.C. T from Member State X with a permanent place of business designated in County X, this being entered in the purchase journal for the month of March 2024.
VAT related to this invoice was also claimed and rejected for refund, by tax assessment decision, on the grounds that X S.R.L. had not paid the value of the invoices issued by supplier T from Member State X – thus, the right to deduct was postponed until full payment.
Given that the audited company applies the VAT on receipt system and did not prove with documents the full payment of the amounts to the supplier or of the value added tax related to the VAT refund claim, the tax inspection authorities did not grant the right to deduct VAT in the amount of x lei.
Source: ANAF