Classification of Occupations in Romania ( C.O.R.)

The Classification of Occupations in Romania (COR) is a national system used to organize and categorize all occupations on the Romanian labour market. This system is essential for both employers and employees, being used in various legal and administrative contexts.

The Classification of Occupations in Romania is established by normative acts and is periodically updated to reflect the changes and developments in the labor market. COR is used to standardize the names of occupations and to ensure a common language between employers, employees, and state institutions. Through this system, each occupation has a unique code, which facilitates employment data management, statistical analysis, and the implementation of employment policies.

The COR is used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Recruitment and hiring: employers must use COR codes when drawing up employment contracts, to ensure an accurate description of the employee’s job.
  • Statistics and Reports: Authorities use CORs to collect and analyze national employment data.
  • Labor and training policies: The COR is essential in identifying vocational training needs and developing training programs that are correlated with labor market requirements.

COR Structure and Codification

The Classification of Occupations in Romania is structured on several levels, each occupation having a specific code. These codes are grouped hierarchically by fields of activity, types of occupations and skill levels.

The COR structure is composed of four main levels:

1.Major group:                The highest level, which includes broad categories of

                                           occupations (e.g., managers, professionals, technicians).

2.Sub-major group:         Breaks down the major groups into more specific categories.

3.Minor group:                Breaks major subgroups into even more detailed


4.Occupation specific code: A unique code that identifies each occupation.

 Updating and Modifying the COR

The COR is periodically updated to include new occupations or to change the names and descriptions of existing occupations. These modifications are published in the Official Gazette and are managed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection in collaboration with the National Institute of Statistics.

Exceptions and Special Considerations

There are certain occupations that are not included in the COR or that have a specific regulation. In such cases, these occupations may be included in a generic category or may be subject to specific regulations in other normative acts.

The Classification of Occupations in Romania is a vital tool for the management and regulation of the labour market, ensuring clarity and consistency in the way occupations are defined and recognized at national level.


The Romanian Classification of Occupations is an essential tool for the proper functioning of the labor market. By standardizing occupations and aligning them with international standards, the COR facilitates occupational mobility, improves the recruitment process and ensures compliance with labour legislation. It also contributes to the professional development of employees and their rapid adaptation to the requirements of a changing labor market.