Documentary verification of legal entities and individuals taxpayers (1)

P.F. X – Period audited: 01.01.2017 – 31.12.2018 for income tax and social contributions.

The main observations of the tax inspection authorities  were:

During the audited period, the taxpayer carried out cryptocurrency trading activities on the international market, receiving income that he did not declare to the competent tax authority and did not pay tax obligations to the state budget. This income, from a tax point of view, is considered as income from other sources, according to Article 114(1) of Law 227/2015 on the Tax Code with subsequent amendments and additions.

After analyzing the information from the account statements viewed through the ANAF applications and from the statements submitted by the taxpayer, the tax inspection authorities  established that in the period 01.01.2018 – 31.12.2018, the individual X submitted the single return no. –/11.03.2019, whereby he declared only the social health insurance contribution in the amount of x lei and the social insurance contribution in the amount of x lei, without declaring the income realized from other sources or from other activities.

Thus, it was established that the verified individual received from transactions with virtual currencies, in 2018, the amount of x lei, and additional tax liabilities totaling x lei were established.


Source: ANAF