S.C. X S.R.L., has as object of activity “renting and subletting of own or rented real estate”, CAEN code 6820.
Period covered: 01.01.2016-31.12.2020.
The main statements of the tax inspection authorities were:
From the verification carried out, the tax inspection authorities established additional taxable base for the period 2016-2020 in the amount of x lei and related corporate income tax in the amount of x lei, considering the following aspects:
– non-deductible expenses in the calculation of corporate income tax, representing expenses for intra-group services licensing intellectual property rights and strategic asset management services invoiced by company X from member state X, in the total amount of x lei,
– non-deductible expenses for interest and exchange rate differences in the total amount of MDL x, recorded on the basis of loan contracts concluded with company X of member status Y;
– decreasing the amount of non-deductible interest expenses carried forward to 31.12.2020 by x lei, from the amount of x lei established by the company to the amount of x lei.
As a result of the deficiencies found, the tax inspection authorities cancelled the cumulative tax loss of x lei, and recalculated the corporate income tax, establishing for the period under review corporate income tax in the amount of x lei, compared to x lei established by the audited company, resulting in additional corporate income tax in the total amount of x lei.
Source: ANAF