HR & Payroll Services and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)


HR & Payroll

Staff management requires time, costs and trained employees. The outsourcing of these services ensures the performance of specific HR activities, in accordance with the legislation in force, bringing major benefits in terms of cost savings and guaranteeing correct entries made by qualified personnel. We offer staff management services, starting from the preparation of employment contracts, job descriptions, various certificates, management of personnel files, registration of employees in Revisal (Employee Record Directory), ensuring the relationship with the Territorial Labour Inspectorate, assistance with controls carried out by the competent state bodies, advisory services on various issues relating to human resources and labour laws.

Payroll requires precision, confidentiality of employee data and fast processing capacity.

Payroll outsourcing is the best solution for companies, because it provides compliance with legislative requirements, correct processing of employees’ salaries, preparation of necessary documents, specific advisory, having the advantage of eliminating costs with specialised human resources and complicated software.

Our experienced payroll specialists can provide the necessary support and assistance for the payroll and staff management activity. The high confidentiality standards regarding the payroll services offered by our company are also a plus. By outsourcing payroll and staff management services, you will avoid the frequent errors that are made in the implementation of legal provisions, thus preventing unpleasant consequences: fines, financial loss, labour conflicts or endless lawsuits. A quick, easy, accurate payroll process, in accordance with the legislation in force, which leads to optimised human resources management, is a necessity for your business. We offer optimal, flexible payroll services, supported by employment experts and specialists, tailored to the specifics of your company.

Payroll administration

  • Monthly payroll calculation, based on the information contained in the individual labour agreements, the monthly time sheets and other documents made available by the Client;
  • Draw up the following monthly reports:

                              – Standard or customised payroll

                              – Salary report based on cost centres

                              – Summary report on social contributions

                              – Net salaries report (for on-line payments)

Monthly statements

Draw up and submit the 112 monthly statement regarding the salary contributions.


Prepare the monthly salary slips.

Drawing up debt recovery claims

Draw up and submit with the Health Insurance Fund the files for the recovery of the holiday compensation, social and health insurance amounts.

Online salary payment

Upon request, online payment of salaries through the banking application selected by the Client or the transmission to the Client of information regarding the amounts payable for salaries.

Online payment of salary contributions

Upon request, online payment of salary contributions through the banking application selected by the Client or submitting to the Client the information regarding the salary contributions amounts.

Holiday leave reports

Draw up reports regarding the employees’ holiday leave.

Services related to the drafting of individual labour agreements

Drafting and management of individual labour agreements from the moment of employment until contract termination. The standard template issued by the Labour Ministry or the Client’s own template will be used, based on the Client’s internal policies and the information provided, according to the legal provisions.

Services related to the drafting of amendments to the individual labour agreements

Draft the addenda based on the modifications to the clauses of the individual labour agreements, as supplied by the Client, according to the legal provisions.

Draft the decisions of termination or suspension of the individual labour agreements, based on the information supplied by the Client, according to the legal provisions. Draft the employee departure clearance forms. Draft certifications regarding the length of service within the company.

Revisal – the Employee Record Directory

Complete and record all information regarding the conclusion, amendment or termination of individual labour agreements through the online application of the Labour Inspection, according to the legal provisions.

Representing the Client in dealing with the Authorities

The Client is represented in the relationship with the State Authorities (The Territorial Labour Inspection, The Pensions Fund, The Health Insurance Fund, The Unemployment Agency), in case of a control initiated by these authorities.

Other documents

Draft the certifications on employees’ activity, certifications requested by authorities or banks.

Job descriptions

Draw up job descriptions based on the information received from the Client.

Internal Rules

Drawing up the Internal Rules.

Collective Labour Agreement at company level

Draw up the Collective Labour Agreement at company level.

Disciplinary proceedings

Draw up the documents required in case of disciplinary proceedings regarding the employees.

Obtaining the A1 and S1 portable documents

Undertake all formalities in order to have the portable documents A1 and S1 issued, in case of employees’ secondment to other EU member states.

Human Resources audit involves a set of information collection activities through which the compliance of staff management activities is verified.

Human Resources audit services are addressed to companies that have chosen not to outsource the staff management service, but want to prevent possible fines from the Territorial Labour Inspectorate.

Audit of personnel files

  • Verify all personnel files and the correctness of documents related to the employment relations;
  • Generate a status report;
  • Propose a plan of measures to remedy deficiencies.

Audit  of payroll

  • Verify the payrolls over a period of 3 years and the documents on which the payroll calculation is based;
  • Draw up the analysis report post verification;
  • Submit a plan of measures to remedy deficiencies.


Occupational Health and Safety Services (OHS)

In today’s business environment, protecting employees and ensuring a safe working environment is a top priority for successful companies. Compliance with Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), Fire Protection, and Civil Protection regulations is not only a legal obligation but also directly contributes to reducing accident risks and improving productivity. A safe working environment protects the health of the team, increases motivation, and helps to foster a positive organizational culture.

Compliance with legislation is vital to avoid penalties and maintain uninterrupted operations, but the benefits go far beyond mere regulatory compliance. Investment in workplace safety reduces absences due to accidents or work-related illnesses and contributes to employee retention. At the same time, companies that care about employee safety improve their reputation and gain the trust of business partners.

Teaha SSM Consulting, with over 10 years of experience in the field, offers customized solutions to help you meet all legal requirements and create a safe working environment. Our team of experts is ready to support you in implementing the necessary measures to protect employees, reduce risks, and optimize processes related to occupational safety and emergency management.


Occupational Health and Safety Services (OHS)

Teaha SSM Consulting offers a wide range of consulting and technical assistance services to ensure compliance in the field of occupational health and safety:

  • Preparation of mandatory documentation: We draft essential documents, such as the prevention and protection plan, decisions for first aid organization, allocation of individual protective equipment specific to activities, and records of high-risk areas.
  • Employee training: We conduct general onboarding training, periodic training, and other specialized training sessions adapted to the specific activities.
  • Investigation of workplace accidents: We provide full assistance in investigating workplace accidents that result in temporary work incapacity and monitor the implementation of measures from the investigation report.
  • Internal checks and OHS audits: We carry out internal biannual checks to verify compliance and monitor the implementation of safety measures.
  • Risk assessments: We conduct risk assessments for each activity and prepare customized OHS instructions, including for the work equipment used, tailored to each workplace and profession to reduce the level of risk within the company and create a safe environment for employees.
  • Emergency action plan: We draft concrete plans for managing emergencies and protecting the team in case of serious incidents.


Emergency Situations Services (Fire Protection and Civil Protection)

We ensure that your business is prepared for any emergency, offering specialized solutions for the prevention and management of fires and other risks:

  • Preparation of Fire Protection documentation: We draft authority documents, internal instructions for emergencies, and decisions for establishing an emergency response team.
  • Training topics: We provide periodic training on Fire Protection and Civil Protection topics, organize training sessions for intervention teams, and prepare annual/semi-annual reports on fire protection capacity.
  • Evacuation plans: We develop emergency evacuation plans and organize mandatory semi-annual evacuation drills for employees, as well as practical applications for using fire extinguishers.
  • Internal checks and audits: We conduct internal checks at workplaces to ensure that all fire safety and prevention measures are observed.
  • Consulting and technical assistance: We assist companies in preparing and submitting the facility sheet to the authorities, choosing the appropriate extinguishers according to the fire class of the materials used, provide support during inspections by the Labor Inspectorate and Fire Department, and manage the records for fire safety equipment.


OHS and Emergency Documentation

We offer complete services for drafting and updating documentation to comply with occupational health and safety regulations:

  • Internal regulations and instructions: We prepare a complete set of internal instructions and regulations covering all aspects of workplace health and safety, including protective equipment, preventive measures, first aid organization, fire prevention and extinguishing, waste management, risk management in extreme conditions, and identifying areas requiring safety signage.
  • Training plans and topics: We develop training topics adapted to the specific activities of each client and detailed action plans for dangerous situations and company-wide training-testing programs.
  • Monitoring: We help monitor the functioning of safety systems, measuring and control devices.


Contact us to learn how we can help you ensure a safe working environment that complies with legal requirements, protecting both your employees and your business.